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Fading Forest

Week 3 | The Birth Of Fading Forest

The deriving of the concept “Fading Forest,” an interactive art installation, was inspired by a team of creators known as “Marshmallow.” They are known to create spectacular, interactive and immersive laser light experiences for users. One of their creations that stood out to us the most was, their Musical Laser Forest. This creation used dozens of laser lights which were individually mounted on a flexible material. The green lasers represented the trees of the forest which would move in accordance to the team’s own musical compositions. Therefore, our project, “Fading Forest” aims to showcase the impermanence of planet earth’s forests and the fact that they are slowly fading away due to human actions. We also want to symbolically demonstrate with this installation, the impact of deforestation/reafforestation on the flora and fauna’s survival.

The vast forests that we have on planet earth are, habitat to millions of species of wildlife such as flora and fauna. The flora of the forests provide the oxygen that both humans and animals need for survival. According to the website, approximately 17% of the Amazon rain-forest have been lost due to forest conversion for cattle ranching. Additionally, due to deforestation practices such as, cutting of the trees for development and agriculture as well as creating forest fires, wildlife species are becoming even more endangered. “Fading Forest” aims to push the boundaries of immersion as well as provide users with the opportunity to have some level of in control of the art installation. This exhibition will intricately promote the concept of human(visitors) and computer(fading forest's mechanical make-up) interaction. This concept would further delve into the subject of cause and effect with human and machine interactions.The visitors will be a part of an experience through not just showcasing the survival of flora but negative impact of a whole ecosystem`s inability to survive without them. However, the aim of this exhibition is not just to showcase deforestation(effect) as a result of negative human actions(cause), but to highlight reafforestation through human unity.

Imagine this! What if we had an abstract This concept will involve using two laser lights that will be on top or inside of a preferably transparent structure(acrylic leds). Thus, this structure, will represent the flora of the forest. Essentially, we want to have 3 types of modes for the exhibition (green, multi colored and red). The green lasers would represent the life emitted from the flora. The multi coloured lights would showcase the tree having new growth. The red lasers would be a representation of the forest on fire which can be a second mode of deforestation users can experience.

We also want to integrate the sound of animals and insects to provide a more immersive and realistic feel to the forest space. The idea further escalates to providing users with an “axe” which would allow them to make physical contact with the “trees” as if they are cutting them down. Once the axe makes contact with a pressure sensor on any of the “trees”, a servo/motor will cause the structure to bend. The neo pixels will also shut off, signifying the destruction of the tree. It would be an interesting experience for users as they are “cutting” the “trees,” accompanying sounds of wood being chopped as well as rustling sounds can be heard. If possible, we also want to have the sounds of the animals and insects slowly fade away as the trees are being “cut.”

The installation will also allow the users the opportunity to “replant” the “trees” by touching on the pressure sensors again. This will trigger the servo/ motor which will allow the bent “trees” to return to their original positions. Thus, turning on the multi coloured neopixels that would signify new growth as well as the wildlife sounds. The “replanting” of the “trees” by the users, will be used as a way to demonstrate how mankind can reverse the act of deforestation. The multi coloured neopixels would eventually change to green again, emphasizing the end of the growth process.The forest fire mode can involve crackling sounds made to symbolize the fire. This would be where the neopixel strips would switch from green to red.

Additionally, if possible, we plan to demonstrate a bridging connection between a virtual forest world and our physical forest environment. The virtual environment can act as a continuation of the physical environment, so it can be percepted as a “large” forest. We can do this through having a projection on a wall of a virtual version of “Fading Forest.” As a result, whatever actions that are done in the real environment, would have similar effects implemented in the virtual environment. For example, if a “tree” in “Fading Forest” is cut down, one of the trees in the virtual forest can disappear and reappear when it is “replanted.”

Lastly, “Fading Forest” emphasizes upon a chain reaction as in, if any element within an ecosystem is destroyed, the other elements will also struggle to survive and eventually become extinct.


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© 2018 by Divya Mehta, Kimberly Davis, Vanessa Lam, Virginia Chan, Andy Phan, Netra Vannak, Susan Choi, Ken Zhu

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