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Top - System/Technologists

Fading Forest

System / Technologists

Detailed Description


 Arduino (physical forest) : Using neopixels, we would have the physical aspect of the forest start in a neutral mode (orange and green). Based on a random sequence (surprise element), the trees would either be cut down or burnt by a fire. In order to achieve this effect, a message will be sent from the main arduino (connected to a computer) to the arduino inside the main tree. As a result, this will tell one of the tree segments in the network to change the colour of its lights to represent being cut or burnt. A message would also be sent to the max patch in order to change the music depending on the different modes. After a tree has died depending on each deforestation mode, the trees can be regrown by either being touched by the (force sensitive resistor) to represent a seed being planted (rebirth) or by shining a light source on photoresistor (represents rejuvenation of the forest). Once these actions have occurred and the full forest has been regrown, a message would then be sent to the main arduino to change the music.



Unity : In order to present a timeline story, on the effects of deforestation, we decided to create a virtual “forest” by using Unity. In the virtual forest, there will be three different states, fire, chopping and regrowth. There will also be molecules floating around with two different design patterns in each state. Each state will be activated by a sensor on our physical tree installation. Also, the colour and the strength of intermolecular forces will be changed according to the sensors as well. Since we need data from sensors to achieve the changes mentioned above, we will also have to work on the connection between the two programs, Unity and Arduino.



Showcase : Because we would like to present our virtual forest in the ACW room 103, which has several screens and speakers, we will need to set up the multi-display in Unity, so that the virtual forest can be displayed in three or four different camera views on multiple screens.




Timeline and Milestones
























Models (Prior artistic / Technological works)






















“Unity - Plexus Effect || Part 1 (Particle/VFX & Programming Tutorial)”

This youtube video is a tutorial on how to create particles with plexus effect in Unity. The bonding between the particles and the glowing effect in this video are very similar to the way we would like to present the molecules in our virtual forest. Therefore, we will use the code shown in this video as our source code. However, the particles in this video are moving randomly. So, it will be a challenge for us to set the motion of molecules in a specific pattern like the aforementioned projections of the screensaver.



“Arduino to Unity. Analogue signals from a Photoresistor”

This youtube video is a tutorial on how to connect Arduino with Unity. The video connects a photoresistor to change the lightings in the virtual world in Unity. We will use the code show in this video as our source code to connect Unity and Arduino together. We will modify the code in order for it to connect with our sensors.



"The Secret Life Of Trees" 

The Secret Life of Trees also involved the connectivity between the physical and the virtual world. When a participant walks around the tree, the xbox kinects will detect their movements and showcase their movements on to the projection screen. This would in turn "feed" the tree, through spreading the fungus in the virtual world. This causes both the physical and virtual trees to light up the more the participants walk around it. 



“Twinkle Sparkle 2014 - an addressable LED project”

This youtube video shows a cool way to address the lights on a LED srtip. The description of this video also includes the code that was used.




Role Segregation (Individual)


Kimberly Davis (Technologist) - Responsible for physical computing aspect of the project. Such as wireless communication, lights, sensors, and max patch (projection and music).


Virginia Chan (Technologist / Publicity) - Responsible for finalizing the design of the virtual world and building the world in Unity, code the plexus and glowing effect, setting up the multi-play in Unity, and assisting Kimberly on the coding in Arduino.


Andy Phan - Responsible for creating and working on the virtual aspect of the abstract forest with Virginia, using Unity. Is also responsible for connecting Unity and Arduino together to connect the physical tree installation with the virtual world. Soldering and construction of the physical structure. Help Kimberly and Virginia code in Arduino.


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© 2018 by Divya Mehta, Kimberly Davis, Vanessa Lam, Virginia Chan, Andy Phan, Netra Vannak, Susan Choi, Ken Zhu

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