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Fading Forest

One Of The Most Proactive Weeks!

This week, we considered to be the most important an interesting weeks that we have had so far. This involved our meeting with Professor Micheal and we were able to get a few things done. On Wednesday, Micheal and Netra began cutting and drilling some of the pipes, with the dimensions in mind(see dimension design below). The cutting of the pipes began with the front part of the molecular structure first. The other parts would be delt with a bit later after obtaining more pipes. We began with testing a cut pipe with an atom and a strip of NeoPixel inside, too see how each component will work together. Along with Micheal, we decided to drill more holes around each end of the pipes, so more light can shine through them. After cutting a few pipes, Micheal wanted us to place all the components on the ground (the atoms and the pipes) in the form of the design layout. He wanted us to have a clear image on how the structure will appear with the fifteen atoms and pipes "attached" to each other. We also used the oppotunity to measure the pipes so we can know how long to cut the wires. The discussion also involved where we will place the structure after its built so that we would not block the projectors. The plan is to hang it in a location under the projects, low enough that the beam does not hit it. The next steps is to start cutting all the wires, soldering, finishing the atoms and codings. More pictures can be viewed in our gallery section!

Pictures of this proactive day is shown below.


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© 2018 by Divya Mehta, Kimberly Davis, Vanessa Lam, Virginia Chan, Andy Phan, Netra Vannak, Susan Choi, Ken Zhu

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